Looking down - Berlin


Under my feet - Russian Vintage Style Packaging seen in Berlin 2014 © Miri Berlin Photography'Alyonka/Алёнка is a legendary chocolate bar has started to produce and sell in Soviet Union in 1966, brand Alyonka becam…

Under my feet - Russian Vintage Style Packaging seen in Berlin 2014 © Miri Berlin Photography
'Alyonka/Алёнка is a legendary chocolate bar has started to produce and sell in Soviet Union in 1966, brand Alyonka became a symbol of a happy childhood times for several generations now. ...'
Source: http://marketinginuse.blogspot.co.at/2013/05/three-russian-confectionaries-one-story.html
German: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roter_Oktober_(S%C3%BC%C3%9Fwarenfabrik)